The Society of order of the Sacred Transfiguration, Mount Tabor, Pathanapuram is the Educational agency which runs the institutions. It is a charitable society registered under the Societies Registration Act XII of 1995 in 1964 with Reg.no.246 / 1964. The Mount Tabor Diara, Pathanapuram was founded in 1930. It is the real fruit, of the vision of our founder Superior His Grace Mar Thoma Dianysius Metropolitan of the Malankara Orthodox Church.
The life of His Grace Mar Thoma Dianysius is a source of inspiration for all of us in the family of Mount Tabor. His Grace was a pioneer in the educational field in Kerala, more then five decades back. His Grace laid the foundation for a Religio- Educational centre at Pathanapuram at a beautyful hillockwhich he christened as Mount Tabor.
His Grace was a student of Christ church College in the Oxford University during 1937 – 39 Dr.S.Radhakrishnan, Former President of India, was one of his classmate there. Inspired by the noble tradition of western culture and civilization. His Grace wanted the Mount Tabor to be the fountain head of program for the people around.
Ponniah Higher Secondary School (Run by Society of Order of the Sacred Transfiguration, Mount Tabor).
Ponniah Higher Secondary School was started by late Mr. W. Ponniah Pillai, a philanthropist and a good Christain, The school was then purchased by His Eminence Mar Thoma Dionysius and thence it became an educational institution especially for backward community. It was later upgrated as Ponniah Secondary School.